There is no room for Fanboyism in a true gamers life!

    I am a gamer, I like games period. I don't care what platform its on if I like it I will play it, I mean how else would you describe a person who actually bought a NEO GEO AES 3 times in his life! (ok maybe crazy came to mind but that is not what I was going for) I have been that way since my mom bought us (her) our Atari VCS (2600) way back in 1980. She I mean we have had just about every console out there and loved all of them for some what they were. Now I did have a soft spot for certain consoles but that had more to do with milestones in my life rather than a fanatical allegiance to a brand name. For example I love the SNES, why not because a specific game but because it was the first console I bought with my own hard earned cash. My TurboGrafx-16 First game system bought for me! Atari Jaguar..............ah TEMPEST 2000! I even remember my first PC gaming experience with a Microsoft online dogfighting game on an overclocked Celeron Gateway PC! Love it all.
     Back then gaming was all about the fun, yeah as kids we kinda poked fun at the kid with the last gen system and even recited our favorite console ad especially to rile up our buds a little but still we all gamed together. Even the competing systems poked fun at each other but it was in good fun with them as well. Heck Nintendo and Sega used to have annual sports competitions to show it was all respect all the time. Today we have this extreme fanboyism which is gradually sucking the fun out of gaming. I look to see a review of a game that looks like it may be the one to occupy my time for a while and what do I see, flame wars with people who are two preoccupied with their system of choice to possibly enjoy the game or read the review of the game to see if it would be worth their time. This constant vitriol has just made it into the gaming media, you cant really fault them because they are a business and clicks equal business so of course they are going to fuel the flames for clicks. Problem with this is that we (true gamers ) have nowhere to look for honest reviews of the games that are coming out REGARDLESS of platform. Does it stop there NO WAY ! now the fanboys stalk the people who just so happen to like a different platform and troll their posts, start "fights" (guess you can call them that) with gamer and sometimes even developers online and basically act as if they have no sense simply because they don't agree with another persons choice of platform. This is just stupid, if the games you like are on a specific platform then buy that platform and GAME ON! True gamers understand that which is why you wont find US engaging in flame wars or trying to go Viral on YouTube with ultra negative flame videos. We don't have time for that we are having fun playing games. That is what they were made for ................right?
   So what is the meaning of this long dragged out post ?  Well its quite simple there is no room for fanboyism in a true gamers life, if you fancy yourself as one of us then you will agree, and if you do Ill catch ya online! Well gotta go this is taking up valuable Rocket League time!


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