New Atari, same old issues....

     So Atari is looking to go beyond the "GameBand" (did anyone actually buy one of these things? ) and release a console. Does anyone even care?  Is anyone around that still finds joy in hearing their name?  Or better yet has Atari fixed the problems that have made them fail in the past? And ultimately is there room for another console (yes but probably not from them).
     Since sometime after E3 there has been this buzz about the Atari Box, for some reason people are genuinely excited about the prospect of a new console from Atari. As a former Jaguar owner I am not, I am cautiously optimistic because I do kinda have a few good memories of the Atari systems I owned but I also still feel the burn when they went down in flames numerous times by their own hand. Before people get excited about the prospect of a 4th console coming to the market maybe they should consider asking the following:
  1. What do we actually know about the hardware? 
  2. What is the market for this ?
  3. Is it just another me too retro collection box?
  4. If this IS a new current gen console, has Atari learned from its past mistakes?
  5. Most importantly is there room for a 4th console?
     What do we know about the console, currently NOTHING other than it comes in red and wood grained oh and it may use pc tech what that means is still mostly unknown and that could be the part that buries the console before it even gets fully unveiled. 

     What is the market for this, knowing Atari its people who are still harboring fond memories of playing combat or Tempest 2000 (AWESOME GAME) or in the worst case have a video game related version of Stockholm syndrome where they feel that they love the company that has abused them and developers alike with terrible business practices and cut corners in an effort to save a buck for themselves.

     Is this just a retro collection or streaming box, I sure hope not because that would be a mistake especially when they can just release a disc or bundle on any of the respective console and pc marketplaces. It would be much cheaper and you wouldn't have to try to court developers to make new content in order to justify the development cost of the box.

     In the off chance that this IS in fact a new console, a current gen on at that. Has Atari learned from its past mistakes. Is this the same Atari that just slapped a 2600 and a 5200 together and called it the 7800 in order to not have spend the money to develop a new piece of hardware? Is it the same Atari that put potentially kick ass hardware in the Jaguar just to neuter it by pulling out half of the RAM just to save a buck ? Is this the same Atari that has talked about and shown ground breaking projects like the Jaguar VR, Jag CD, etc., just to cancel them while releasing oddities no one wants like the Game band? if it is still that Atari they might as well pack it up now. If not Tempest 3k Please!?!

     Is there room for a 4th console? to this I say yes, but it has to be a serious player not just some company that owns the trademark for an "iconic" brand name. Anyone wishing to enter the console market has to come in guns blazing ready to disrupt the current market with something truly amazing, or a staggering amount of quality  IP that can amaze and can not be found anywhere else. Atari could fit the bill but so could Sega, SNK, heck Capcom could if they wanted to, as could Midway all of these companies have developed hardware, two had consoles and all of them have a staggering amount of IP that if they wanted to they could make exclusive to a home grown console. What these companies do not have is the desire to enter the market. Atari seemingly does so hopefully they have their ducks in a row and their guns locked and loaded because if they don't entering this market now days is like coming to a shootout with a camera.
    I know this is coming off as anti Atari but deep down I am silently rooting for them, I am a gamer after all (one that occasionally wears my Atari T shirt) and more consoles means more content! and that is always a good thing!
       --- Mikeyman Out!


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