
Showing posts from July, 2017

New Atari, same old issues....

     So Atari is looking to go beyond the "GameBand" (did anyone actually buy one of these things? ) and release a console. Does anyone even care?  Is anyone around that still finds joy in hearing their name?  Or better yet has Atari fixed the problems that have made them fail in the past? And ultimately is there room for another console (yes but probably not from them).      Since sometime after E3 there has been this buzz about the Atari Box, for some reason people are genuinely excited about the prospect of a new console from Atari. As a former Jaguar owner I am not, I am cautiously optimistic because I do kinda have a few good memories of the Atari systems I owned but I also still feel the burn when they went down in flames numerous times by their own hand. Before people get excited about the prospect of a 4th console coming to the market maybe they should consider asking the following: What do we actually know about the hardware?  What is the market for this ? Is it

To Truly Become the United States of America We Must First All Agree To Be AMERICANS.

     Lately it seems we are becoming more and more divided as a country between all of the protesting and everyone seems mad at everyone else. Everyday it seems as though someone or something else is being blamed for the countries problems. At the same time we have groups of people who all feel they are entitled to special treatment or free things, other groups who feel that they aren't being represented properly in the country groups that feel they are entitled to things because their parents or grandparents had it or endured something, and finally a group that think the other groups need to go away. We are seemingly in a war of the haves and have not's, its really sad because we are supposed to be the United States of America but we are anything but united right now.      In my opinion the only way we are going to truly become a United States of America we must first agree to be Americans. What do I mean by that ? Well its simple and not so simple at the same time we have to

Why are we even THINKING about the next generation of consoles already?

     Most Gamers would agree that the current generation of consoles are for the most point underwhelming to this point, me included. This does not mean that they wont get better as they continue to mature especially given the "mid cycle refreshes" both consoles would have received by this holiday season. With that in mind you have to wonder why would anyone be even thinking about the next generation of consoles outside of the big 3, oh and Michael Pachter but that is expected when you are the tech equivalent of an oil speculator.       You would have to be crazy and living in denial to think that the big 3 have not started planning out the next gen as soon as the original PS4 and XB1 dropped in 2013 but no one should even think we would see the new systems anytime before holiday 2020/21.  I only say this because developers haven't even begun to push the base systems and they now have the extra horsepower of the PS4pro and Xbox1X that will soon be hitting the market prov

There is no room for Fanboyism in a true gamers life!

    I am a gamer, I like games period. I don't care what platform its on if I like it I will play it, I mean how else would you describe a person who actually bought a NEO GEO AES 3 times in his life! (ok maybe crazy came to mind but that is not what I was going for) I have been that way since my mom bought us (her) our Atari VCS (2600) way back in 1980. She I mean we have had just about every console out there and loved all of them for some what they were. Now I did have a soft spot for certain consoles but that had more to do with milestones in my life rather than a fanatical allegiance to a brand name. For example I love the SNES, why not because a specific game but because it was the first console I bought with my own hard earned cash. My TurboGrafx-16 First game system bought for me! Atari Jaguar..............ah TEMPEST 2000! I even remember my first PC gaming experience with a Microsoft online dogfighting game on an overclocked Celeron Gateway PC! Love it all.      Back then

Reviving the Blog ! ( I need a place to post my thoughts so watch out world!!)

Well its been a long time since Ive used this thing and since the last post a lot has happened. I obviously got older, had some personal tragedy in my life, graduated from college twice!!, and am now about to end my time in my current career after 20yrs. Ive got a lot on my mind but I wont bore you with all of it, just the fun stuff! Like my soon to be climb up Mt. Fuji! (wish me luck)