
Showing posts from 2008

Everytime I think Im done They keep pulling me in again!!!

I was at a point in my life where I was about to give up on my current job, although I am extremely proud of what I do I just felt that after 10 years I was not going to get to the next level of my career and get forced out due to stagnation in promotion. I started to go to school to get my degree which is something I am going to complete anyway, I started to look for jobs in the civilian sector and started to make contacts to keep from deploying to Iraq for a year just then WHAMMMO I get selected to Staff Sergeant!!! I really don't know what to feel right now, I am still in shock I don't know if I should feel good about myself or pissed off for having to wait so long for a promotion that should have came a year ago. I kind of feel like the Marine Corps has the same sense of humor that I do and likes to just keep me on my toes. So I guess I am going to give my beloved gun club another 4 years and see if they can make either a Warrant Officer or a Gunny out of me before I h...

Must Rebuild the Machine

Well I am finally back to a point where I can start working out again, and Ive been dying to get my old butt back in the shape I was in just before I dislocated my elbow this July. With that being said Ive decided to make this transformation public. From Monday August 18 untill November 18 I will post the results of my working out using a Bowflex revolution and a treadmil with some USMC pt thrown in for good measure. My starting photo will be posted Monday before the workout. Wish me luck.

Back To School..............Again

I meant for this to be my first post but oh well. I decided to go back to school at the ripe old age of 33. People normally think you are never too old to learn and I tend to agree. Other people ask WHY ? why are you going to school again you are so...OLD!! well I have many reasons one of which is that my Marine Corps career while still enjoyable wont last forever in fact if I dont get promoted again soon I will be forced out of my beloved gun club and I need to brush up on my skills so I can be use full out in the civilian workforce. Another reason is that I want to finish something I started back in 96 and that is the pursuit of my college degree. People who know me know I am always talking about going back to school and getting my degree and my certs ( MCSE , CCNA ect ) I would like to think Ive influenced at least 1 of them to go out and do it their selves . Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

4th of july weekend

I finally decided to make my first post. It is a bit late according to the title but there is a reason for that which I will get to in a second. First I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend, mine was ok until I went and fell off the roof dislocating my elbow. How this happened is a bit of holiday stupidity mixed with good intentions. I was up and down the roof all weekend with out a problem trying to fix the wife's local channel DTV dish for her local channels since DTV doesn't offer them on the GIGANTIC HD dish in my area yet. I trouble shot the problem for a while and I found out that it was faulty cabling. As a former installer I knew it was an inexperienced person who set up the dish and was pretty pissed off. I decided that I would have to buy some new connectors and started to come down off the roof when my 2 yr old decided to make his escape from the house with my wife close on his heels unfortunately they were under me on my way down and I almost fell...