Is 2022 the year that the Xbox Series S true intention shows its head?


When you look at the Series S you either see an underpowered mistake made by Microsoft or you see a well-made move by Microsoft in making a next gen console for the low end. When I look at the Series S I see something much different. I see a purpose-built device that has been re-purposed due to market expectations and internal resources not being where they needed to be in order to be for the device to hit market as intended.

To this day I think the Series S was built to be SOLELY a streaming device. Why do I think this way? Well, it is fairly simple. You only have to look at the specs of the device, which practically scream “I’m a streaming machine!” and some of the things that Microsoft themselves have said about the device to have similar thoughts. Let’s start with the specs, shall we?

I am not going to rehash the spreadsheet because that has been done to exhaustion. I will just say that other than practically having CPU parity (it is clocked a bit slower) everything else has been drastically reduced in terms of size in the case of Ram and SSD or even the GPU which is 1/3rd the performance target of the bigger more expensive MS console, the Series X. These design choices do create a less capable machine that can still output a 4k image, this is important in fact its MORE important than it being able to render a 4k image internally, I will get to that later though. Why did Microsoft do this? well Its no secret that since Satya Nadella took the reigns MS has been transitioning into a Services based company, Cloud first Mobile First, he said this with his own words so why should gaming be any different than any other wing in the house of windows?  

This brings us to things Microsoft has said in the years and months leading up to the launch of both consoles. First off Microsoft has gone all in on Cloud gaming and Gamepass they see this as the future of game distribution.  There is no doubt that this is a solid concept I am not a big fan of it but it does have its merits. More games into more hands means more dollars to all those who have a hand in the game making and delivery market. Microsoft has also said that they EXPECT to sell more Series S consoles than the Series X . . . . Yep, you read that right they expect Series S to outsell the Series X. "I think, over the generation, our expectation would be that price really matters and that you would see the Series S sell more," – Phil Spencer. Now the reason given for this is key PRICE. Lower price means that it is closer to that “impulse buy” range that lots of console makers try to get to because that is when consoles become something you tend to have more than one in a home or you buy for people not directly living with you which increases gamers and intern increases game buyers and service subscribers which is what the Series S is really meant for the services.

When you look at other devices that you have connected to your 4k Tv how many of them actually have the horsepower of a Series S? Yet they stream beautiful 4k Content to your TV for your enjoyment, don’t they? Do you see where I am going with this? Good, so let’s go on this journey together. See Series S really was not meant to be a stand-alone console in the sense of the Series X where you Buy and play your games either digitally or physically; it was meant to be a Gamepass / XCloud First console that could stream games in 4k, remember Series S IS capable of outputting a 4k image so in theory it is capable through streaming of offering an experience SIMILAR but not quite as good as the Series X, and possibly store a few games so that you can play them on the road when you are traveling or visiting grandma in the mountains. The more likely scenario would be to store a low-res version of the game you’re streaming in the background so that if the internet connection degrades the console can drop resolution to the stored lo res local content, now that small SSD makes sense, doesn’t it?

 I bet you are thinking OK smart ass if this is what was going to happen why didn’t it launch that way. Well, I am glad you asked this one is kind of sad. The reason Series S launched as a more “traditional” console is that Xbox Cloud Gaming or XCloud (better name) was not where Microsoft wanted it to be at service wise (it was still in beta) and Gamepass did not have enough compelling content to launch a console based on the services alone. So, with launch being as close at it was, they had two choices either delay Series S and release it when it and the services it will rely on are ready or release it as a digital console and explain away the power disparity between it and the Series X when their competitor (according to gamers not MS) released two consoles as well both identical except for the ability of one to play physical titles, and hope the gamers buy it. You know which choice they made, MS should have held off and launched Series S this Christmas now that there is a decent amount of compelling content and the cloud service is in a better position (though still not 4K yet).    

Mind you NONE of this is bad so far. I can see a market for this and we know Microsoft is going this way because they have a console version of the Xbox Cloud streaming app in beta for the Xbox One! Its only a matter of time before it shows up on the Series S with new found powers of 4K Streaming. You would have to be crazy to pass it up if you don’t have the cash for the full Series X experience, especially if a Series S price reduction happens around the same time. Now the only way this could go sideways; and I really hope this does not happen, is for Microsoft to decide to put ads in between loading screens or individual levels of games as a means to pay for the content. This would ruin the experience in my opinion no one wants to have to watch a 2min ad to be able to play a level of a game (talking to you EA I know you are thinking about this)

                So, if you are still on this crazy train we have come to the last stop and its time to get off do you think I am on to something or am I completely off base? Either way I hope this was an enjoyable read even if it left you thinking I’m a bit off my rocker! Hope you have a great new years eve and that your 2022 is better than 2021 was.

     Game on Gamers, Game on!


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