Game Pass could be good for Xbox and bad for Xbox.

Microsoft blew minds this week with their Game Pass announcement, for some it was the greatest thing they could have done, I mean all you can play gaming and DAY 1 Microsoft Exclusives for only $10 a month YES PLEASE!! But, (I know there is always a but for me) for some, me included, take the announcement with come caution.
Why? well while Game Pass is not a bad idea by itself the way Microsoft currently chooses to handle it may be. There is nothing wrong with Microsoft making their exclusives available on the service on day one but (there's that but again!), this should be a timed release and should expire after a limited time. This will help support the retailers by encouraging those who really love the game buy the retail version.  By applying the currently announced model to the Xbox you now essentially turn it into a service rather than a Hardware/Software ecosystem which could alienate retail channels if gamers choose to play on GP rather than buy retail. There is already at least one retailer who feels that way and has decided to stop selling Xbox consoles. I think that its too early to come to the conclusion that Microsoft is going to turn the gaming division into a solely software based solution, BUT( I know, I know last one I promise) this does give Microsoft a very interesting exit strategy to the console business if they chose to do so. I doubt Microsoft is going to suddenly stop making consoles in fact I think that Microsoft will continue to build consoles that aim to be the most powerful console around, because they can use that as a "The way its meant to be played" type of marketing where Microsoft sells the console which by default runs the service with the games running at their best and all other versions running noticeably less optimized. If the difference is noticeable then Microsoft could potentially outsell competing options placing their box in more homes increasing GP's market share.  You also need to keep in mind that if Game Pass is successful more publishers will want to have a similar service on the system or software based hub(channel), not wanting to be left out of the GaaS party. This is where it gets concerning, Microsoft can decide to host services from multiple publishers charging them a hosting fee for being on their box or hub which is good for them because it helps their bottom line and validates their decision. It could become bad for gamers because it opens up the possibility of multiple services charging $10 bucks a month to play games they don't own, when you look at it this way the appeal changes. One service hosting games at 10 bucks a month is a great deal! Multiple services at the same price multiplied by the number of services subscribed to can become an expensive proposition especially if you also include the cost of the system as well.  I am hoping that Microsoft proves all us concerned gamers wrong and that Game Pass proves to be more of a draw to the current and Future Xbox consoles serving as sort of a built in, super affordable pack in set of games. I guess we will have to see what happens in the coming months, years and E3's, Fingers Crossed that Microsoft does not mess this up!
   Till next time..........


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